About Me

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I love taking pictures i love adventures i love to sing i love poems i love romantic people. I love to smile i love to laugh as if there's no tomorrow. a person with a happy disposition in life. I believe that no matter how heavy the problem you carry, it's always best to take it easy.I am not a hypocrite person, but that's life. And that reality bites,no matter who you are, what position you held, what language you spoke, what color is your skin and what banks you saved your money. little by little we'll be faced with all kinds of trials, disasters,whatever you call it, name it. We have to stand up, move on and live as if there's nothing happen. I am a person who sometimes attacked by weariness and emptiness,and felt that i am alone. I just can't help the feeling, but no matter what I still believe that life is good and that God is with me and you. We were given talents to show and not keep,to share and not to be selfish,to express what you feel in words and in action. I've just discovered that i am a poem lover and that i can create my own. I am person who loves to be alone when faced with problems. a person who makes her own decision and solves the problem alone.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Eheads Concert was fun though, it's bitin!

This was long overdue, i should have created this after the concert, however, since i've been busy with our project and i was not able to find time, haven't created it. well, enough of the explanation.

The Eraserheads concert was one of the best concert i've ever seen despite the fact that it was not finished because Ely needs to be rushed to the hospital coz of his health. It was full of fun and really enjoyed it. I saw people are happy because of this reunion, i even heard people says 'Naiyak ako'...well, look at how Eraserheards reunion can create the emotion. Since, watching the concert was a bit unplanned, i only have this picture with a complete stranger pa and of course with Kehm hehehe, thanks GOd he gave us his info where we could get this pic.

1 comment:

Tessa :) said...

ei sis thanks sa comment and thanks God we're fine naman kahit sobrang takot ko talaga sis kc first time ko na experience ang hurricane haaay basta chika ko na lang sau sa ym ha!?tc...love you sis...