About Me

My photo
I love taking pictures i love adventures i love to sing i love poems i love romantic people. I love to smile i love to laugh as if there's no tomorrow. a person with a happy disposition in life. I believe that no matter how heavy the problem you carry, it's always best to take it easy.I am not a hypocrite person, but that's life. And that reality bites,no matter who you are, what position you held, what language you spoke, what color is your skin and what banks you saved your money. little by little we'll be faced with all kinds of trials, disasters,whatever you call it, name it. We have to stand up, move on and live as if there's nothing happen. I am a person who sometimes attacked by weariness and emptiness,and felt that i am alone. I just can't help the feeling, but no matter what I still believe that life is good and that God is with me and you. We were given talents to show and not keep,to share and not to be selfish,to express what you feel in words and in action. I've just discovered that i am a poem lover and that i can create my own. I am person who loves to be alone when faced with problems. a person who makes her own decision and solves the problem alone.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

my PM

hey, what's my premium moment for the day? i think none? but i think seeing and appreciating our beaches is one i can think of. seeing those being beaches made me wanna go and swim to the nearest beach, grabbing my swimming gear and the sun block for protection.

i'm really itching to go swim, well, i hope to do it very soon. a pool will do, that's how desperate i am. i wanna swim.

old blog account


i remember when i was still young and so innocent. a few of my thoughts not so long ago. i didn't know how to merge this with my new blog, so i guess it's worth keeping the link.

Monday, July 27, 2009

last friday(July 24, 2009)

starting today, i want a more sensible blog.
last friday, the representative of the management talked to us and handed us a piece of paper. it was stated in the paper that i will have a minimal increase on salary, effective August 15. i was happy at first about it, but when i've realized of what is our market value as a programmer, i began to think that they should have given us more. i think they're being not fair to us.

i guess, if this is the case, they better let us go. or should i go? instead of me holding on.I'd better start finding companies and find out what's my market value . how ironic, because, we were given an increase, but they let go of like closed to 20 employees.

this is not my way of saying sensible, as i rant and complain. but come to think of it. i guess, it would be better if i'll just leave and look for a more fair company.

had a great weekend with friends

july 25-26, 2009

had a great weekend with friends.

birthday was celebrated at one of the farms of my former boss in Nasugbu, Batangas. Good thing i was able to meet cool new friends and was able to practice my photography skills.
bad thing, is that i brought my d40, but i forgot to bring the battery, so i ended up using my point and shoot and nad's d40. learned new techniques on apperture and shutter priority. well, need to visit a site that expertise on photography. i just forgot the name.

anyway, today is a good start. i will religiously blog. i promise!